Nomad & Kubernetes - David vs Goliath played out in container orchestration

Kubernetes and Nomad are both container orchestration tools that enable the management of containers across multiple hosts.

Kubernetes has a large, rapidly growing ecosystem of services, support and tools that are widely available. Kubernetes is an open source platform for managing containerized workloads and services, that facilitates both declarative configuration and automation. It has a layered architecture with various components that provide features such as cluster management, scheduling, service discovery, monitoring, secrets management and more1. Kubernetes also relies on a dynamic ecosystem of various loosely-coupled components, such as container runtimes, storage providers, network plugins, ingress controllers, service meshes, etc., that extend its functionality and interoperability.

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Open Telemetry - The Future of Observability?

In today’s world, businesses are increasingly reliant on software to deliver their products and services. As software becomes more complex, it becomes more difficult to keep track of its performance and behavior. his can lead to problems such as outages, performance degradation, and security vulnerabilities. This is where observability comes in. Observability is the ability to understand what is happening inside a system from the knowledge of the external data it produces.

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In graphic design, a pull quote (also known as a lift-out pull quote) is a key phrase, quotation, or excerpt that has been pulled from an article and used as a page layout graphic element, serving to entice readers into the article or to highlight a key topic.
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Some articles are just so short that we've to make the footer stick

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